How It All Began

We live in Placerville California.  I grew up on the east coast, New Jersey specifically. My parents are from NYC. While the fast-paced life suited me just fine, I always thought there was a different life I was meant to live… cue the theme of the 1970s show “Little House on The Prairie.” Here’s me on my “horse” galloping through grasslands, battling a ferocious blizzard, riding into town. Wait, you don’t see it?

Well, I guess a vineyard is the closest thing I would get to my prairie. I had no idea that my passion for weather would lead me to California and to “wine boy.” That’s what my mom called him when we first met. A good ol’ country boy who learned to drive a tractor by age 8. His childhood was filled with the adventures growing up on a 70 acre farm.

My how life has changed for me since I spent most of my professional career under tv studio lights. Lots to get used to now. Such as dead things. Dirt, lots of dirt. Dust. Everywhere and on everything. High heels? Ha! Oh and Rattlesnakes. It’s a wine life that is certainly not what most would think it to be. It is farming after all. It’s good people. Salt of the earth some might say. And that’s my favorite part.

(Yes, that’s a turkey Justin plucked for our Thanksgiving dinner) It’s obviously so different from the professional media world. But I can’t help to think that living in the vineyards, learning wine and farming gets me one step closer to being the half-pint I was meant to be.

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